RIP Joel Chung
June 23, 2009 We lost a fighter, a young man who's desire was to preach the word of God and one day take his well-gained spot next to him. The author of many blogs, the second inspiration for this blog. Today I am here still not wanting to believe that you are gone. I just want to thank you for awakening that passion for Christ in me, for teaching our young ones, for being there when they needed a "big bro", for just being who you were. An anointed fighter, a man of God! Though my heart didn't want to hear the words "he won the race" I truly have to admit Joel you made it! With tears in my eyes I still have to give you the "props". Now we have our Campaña this weekend, and I know you would want us to have a complete revival, a celebration! Even though our pain is too strong for words and we miss you sooo much, we will dedicate this Campaña to your accomplishment! I love YOU Joel and I will never forget you, because you were off tha' hook :)