May 27, 2009

My One & Only

Every girl's dream is to find that one guy that would give his life to be your all. I am happy to say i found him! I've known him for a while now but it took me a minute to realize how great he was. Just when i thought it as all done and there was not a guy i can trust he said wait what about me! So i finally gave him the chance to come in and take care of me. He promised to never hurt me and to fight for me. At first i had my doubts but then i saw how he always kept his word so i fell in love and not just little high school love i mean real love. Ah i love how late at night he calls me and i wake up not wanting to go back to sleep because i can't wait to talk to him. When i'm at school he's always on mind! All people see is the big smile on my face all the time, they know he's the one. Some people wonder why i never show when i'm sad but i really don't have time for that because all i think about is how he has everything under control. i love him so much i'm not afraid to scream out to the world and let them know he's my all. Now I can't wait until the day i'm dressed all in white and be with him forever. My one and only one is Jesus Christ. ;)


Jessica said...

I just found your blog today and I just want to say that I think you are a great writer and what you are doing with your posts, serving God and showing others about him is just great! Keep it up! I really like this one, it's really cute!

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