May 28, 2009

"Why Are You Asking Why?"

Isaiah 40:29
" 29 He gives strength to those who are tired
and more power to those who are weak."

"Why?" is a question many Christians come across everyday. When we see that things do not have the outcome we were expecting we get frustrated and often see the only way out is to give up. Coming to church and kneeling down to pray in the altar I hear my brothers and sisters in Christ just asking "Why?" and I used to be just like them until I came across the answer. As a personal testimony, I've been dealing with the divorce of my parents for 8 years now and received a promise from the Lord that he will take care of my family and reunite them, because what God has joined no one should separate. (Matthew 19:4-6) Every great purpose God has with ones life comes with a process and every process comes with its trials. I came to a point where I did not understand anymore what his great purpose was with my life nor family. I always prayed asking: "Why are you letting me go through this?, Why is this pain killing me?" There was even a point where I decided to give up, but our God is so magnificent that he knows the exact moment when to come in, lift one up and ask "Why are you asking why?". After reading this verse I understood that my trials and tribulations were just tests I had to go through in order to be ready for his purpose in my life, and though sometimes we might not understand, as humans, what he wants to accomplish in our lives there is always faith which keeps one going and lets one understand that no matter what we're going through he knows it all, meaning when he truly knows one's about to give up, he comes in and lets one understand that He and only He can give strength to those who are tired. Stop asking "Why?" and start believing that he will give you the power to over come anything when you really need it.

Psalm 142:3
"3 When I am afraid,
you, Lord, know the way out.
In the path where I walk,
a trap is hidden for me."


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